With back to school and activities in full swing, both parents and kids are returning to more normal activities. But with more socializing and time spent indoors, also comes more illnesses. September’s webinar provided registrants with tips from SickKids experts including routine vaccines your kids need and how to help them cope with vaccinations, the latest COVID-19 vaccine info for kids, and what to expect (and how to deal) when it comes to all those other inevitable viruses and respiratory illnesses.
Here are the top five take-aways from the event:
Routine vaccination, especially for infants and toddlers but also for children of all ages, continues to be important. Check with your local public health unit for more information on how to access these immunizations. For those in the City of Toronto, this resource provides a list of recommended immunizations with tips on vaccine safety.
You can help children cope before and during vaccination and needle procedures by practicing the “CARD” approach, an acronym for finding ways to get Comfortable, Asking questions to be prepared, keeping calm and Relaxed as well as providing a Distraction.
If a child needs specialized vaccine support, or you want a safe, judgement-free space to openly discuss the COVID-19 vaccine for infants, children or teenagers, please consider using the free SickKids COVID-19 Vaccine Consult Service.
The flu vaccine is a safe and effective way to stay healthy and is available for free to all Ontarians.
To help keep our communities healthy this fall and winter, please remember to stay home when sick.
To watch the recording from the event, please click here.
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