Inspiring Youth through Rugby

Play Rugby USA has been empowering young people, especially from underserved communities, to achieve their full potential for over 20 years.

PlayWatch video

Published July 31, 2023 | 3 min read

This grassroots organization combines the excitement and physicality of rugby with a unique values-based curriculum focused on social-emotional learning. Players train and practice with experienced coaches, developing skills that help them succeed not just on the field but in the classroom, at home and in their communities.

The Play Rugby program helps young people become more confident, focused and resilient and equips them with positive life skills such as integrity, respect and teamwork. It’s also a diverse and inclusive community that encourages players to build lasting relationships and have fun.

Off the field, Play Rugby provides professional mentoring and education guidance to help players reach their full potential and navigate any challenges they might be facing.

Each year, nearly 500 girls and boys ages 11 to 18 take part in Play Rugby’s programming. The impact achieved is powerful, tangible results in the classroom and our communities.

  • 100% of Play Rugby Academy high school seniors graduate on time and enroll in college.
  • 95% of participants improve motivation to attain academic success.
  • 88% of students report that their physical fitness has improved as a result of playing rugby.
  • 95% participants increase their social skills.

The RBC Foundation USA is a proud supporter of Play Rugby USA, financially and through volunteering. Being a part of this incredible movement to support youth social and emotional development is part of our mission to help our young people thrive.

Learn more about Play Rugby here.

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