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The Quest for Immortality: Will the biopharma golden age spur life science cluster growth?

The dawn of a golden age in life sciences has direct positive implications for real estate in the Quest for Immortality. Biotech companies prefer to reside in certain markets, and even more specifically, within certain asset clusters.

Real estate investment trusts (REITs) are key partners to top life science companies, helping to create collaborative ecosystems that foster greater innovation. The next driver for the real estate market will be the need for major manufacturing sites situated close to these clusters.

“The life science cluster markets are highly collaborative ecosystems that help drive greater innovation, and in turn, advance life science research at a quicker pace.”

Michael Carroll
Real Estate Analyst, RBC Capital Markets


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The Individual Revolution: Customized homes for the masses?

In the Individual Revolution, everything is customizable, even our homes. Modern manufactured housing looks increasingly similar to traditional custom-built single-family homes. This trend will continue over time, and eventually there will be few differences between the styles.

We also think that the application of new technologies, like 3D printing, could keep manufactured home prices affordable, despite increasing raw material costs. The primary differences between traditional and manufactured homes will eventually just be price and the available level of customization.

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AI Activated: Can datacenters keep up with big data and AI demands?

Big data and AI trends will impact the real estate sector in a variety of ways. The most obvious is the incremental datacenter demand to store ever-increasing amounts of data.

But AI can also help REITs streamline select investment and operating strategies, and will require developers to build properties with unique features to facilitate greater automation.

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Hybrid Living: Will the race for space continue in a newly hybrid world?

Hybrid Living will have transformative implications across retail, office, logistics and residential as more and more people lead virtual lives at home. The need for housing will grow as fast as populations, with a number of factors that make will make the home a priority in a hybrid world.

As digital connectivity improves in more isolated locations, with greater rollout of 5G networks, traditionally affordable areas could increasingly gain favor, potentially reversing some of the dominant urbanization trends of recent decades.

“We think it likely that as people become more comfortable in the digital world and spend more time at home, the nature of the property they live in will become more important, but the location less important.”

Julian Livingston-Booth
Real Estate Analyst, RBC Capital Markets


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The Great Balancing Act: Will retailers shift to a just-in-case inventory model?

The supply chain problems of the pandemic and its aftermath have taught us valuable lessons, particularly as ecommerce adoption accelerated. Consumers expect greater product selection and faster delivery times, both of which increase the importance of logistics networks.

As retailers invest in their logistic footprints by taking more space to hold more product closer to population centers, Just In Case inventory will replace Just In Time inventory, ensuring they have products when needed and can deliver them quickly.

“Successful retailers are placing more value on their logistics networks and see it as a tool to improve the customer experience.”

Michael Carroll
Real Estate Analyst, RBC Capital Markets


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