Healthcare technology is seeing more advancements than ever before. Once particular aspect is genetic technology – the enabling of scientists to remove and replace components of DNA.

This is called ‘Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats’ (CRISPR) and is being used by a host of start-ups to modify plants and animal species.

Crucially, CRISPR technology is affordable and we expect it won’t be long before it is used on humans to help prevent genetic disease or, ethics issues aside, the potential develop of ‘designer babies’.


Amazon Go has used spatial recognition, overhead cameras and customer tagging – through your app – to create cashier-less stores.


Drone delivery of items, even food and drink, to your door from a blimp warehouse in the sky.

Voice-activated assistance, not just a search resource but a pro-active recommender of certain products.

Augmented Self: Up close

The future will be determined by those who are willing to reinvest, adapt and turn future threats into opportunities.