Already, cloud ‘as-a-Service’ provision such as Infrastructure (IaaS), Software (SaaS) and Platform (PaaS), has attracted significant interest. And as advances continue in cloud computing, just about anything could be delivered ‘as-a-Service’ (XaaS) including desktop (DaaS) and storage (SaaS) services. Cloud applications have taken over everything in computing apart from the final point of contact with the end user. The vendor is responsible for delivering the application, the underlying infrastructure, the operations of the stack of software components as well as upgrades and innovation at the application layer.

Cloud applications are beginning to leverage the hyperscale platforms as they become more reliable, scalable and secure. While Amazon, Microsoft and Google handle a big chunk of storage, pull together the thousands of servers and stitch together the networking capabilities, software makers can focus on what they do best – building and designing apps. Cloud hyperscale providers have grown because of powerful network effects on an unprecedented scale. So next generation companies will get the benefit of these infrastructure roadmaps to scale quicker than first-generation iterations.

In Cloud We Trust: Up close

The future will be determined by those who are willing to reinvest, adapt and turn future threats into opportunities.